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by Mancunian
Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:41 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: League City, TX
Replies: 15
Views: 5494

Bones3 wrote:
Mancunian wrote:Thanks guys. I was leaning more to PSC as I think it would be closer. I would like a try of an indoor but don't relish the though of powder up the nose for a week, lol.

Be safe, Manc...

If you're looking for an indoor range you might want to try Marksman Indoor Range in South Houston. The address is 507 Nebraska right off of Hiway 3 (Old Galveston Road). I took my CHL there & the range is well ventilated & the folks behind the counter are good people; no gun store ninjas in other words.

As far as outdoor ranges you really have to go some to beat PSC & Texas City.

Good shootin'.
Thanks Bones. I believe I'll give that one on Nebraska a shot (pun intended) ;-) when I get a chance. I'll keep y'all posted....oooh, another pun, lol.
by Mancunian
Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:15 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: League City, TX
Replies: 15
Views: 5494

Thanks guys. I was leaning more to PSC as I think it would be closer. I would like a try of an indoor but don't relish the though of powder up the nose for a week, lol.

Be safe, Manc...
by Mancunian
Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:59 am
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: League City, TX
Replies: 15
Views: 5494

League City, TX

I don't mean to offend anyone here but I have to tell you about this range. I have only been to it twice. I will probably not be going back. Well, not at least until they put some money into it.

Although I have no criticism about the safety aspects of that range I do take issue with the firing line on the handgun side.
At the far left side of the range, I believe at the seven yard target fixture, the supports at the bottom have reebar(sp) showing? Now I'll agree it's underneath the target, and for the people that shoot well it's not a problem. The day I was there it was closed off. I asked the lady there what's up with that and she agreed she felt it was unsafe and that's why she had closed it down. Actually, you couldn't have got to those positions anyway because to my left was about eight inches of water. I had a buddy who was out there that day and he said when he went to retrieve his target on the rifle side his ankles were deep in water?

We had a lot of rain them few previous days I'll grant you, but, c'mon guys put some money into the place so I don't have to drive all the way down to Texas City. Which I might add is an awesome range. Speaking of which....I was out there shooting about eleven years ago and a lightning bolt came down and hit a guy not one hundred yards from me in the top of his head. The bolt came out of his foot and blew his shoe right off. Amazingly the guy lived.

Anyway, I've heard there is a gun range closer to me in Pearland. I here you have to be a member or be introduced or something. Anyone know anything about that? I've also heard there's an indoor range up on highway 3 near Ellington field somewhere. Anyone been to that one? Input please.

Thanks in advance


Update....I've just found the info about Pearland.

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