I read the same article this morning and that same quote bothered me too. So... in the neighborhood where somebody was hit by a stray bullet one of the neighbors also complains about finding mysterious "shell casings?" Hmmm.... no, nah, nevermind, its nothing, forget I mentioned that.kahrfreak wrote: "Another found shell casings in his yard."
Although possibly they confused terminology and what they meant was that they found bullets in their backyard?
Also, JJVP has a point there the foolish people could be there when the responsible people are not. A couple of my friends have told me not so great things about the "gun safety" (or lack thereof) at the Garland Public range, I avoid it for that reason. If somebody was horsing around that could explain how that poor guy got shot in the back over a mile away. Also, its pretty incomprehensible that the range was not properly insured. That is some real foolishness on the part of the owners.