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by jimlongley
Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:55 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Let's move on to something else, like peace in the middle east. :smilelol5: :smilelol5:

Ain't going to happen. I think we should just wall the place off and let them fight it out amongst themselves. :lol: :lol: :lol:
by jimlongley
Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:46 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

Flat, your last sentence says it all. Your terse and holier than thou reply "which to most people in the gun world, would readily be accepted under the term AK-47 as all it's other variants" to Tx was at least impolite, if not downright rude, and as far as learning from examples - yeah, right!
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:42 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

Flatland2D wrote:Please quote me when I said I had a fully automatic weapon.
You were the one that said you had an AK-47, which, by definition is capable of full automatic fire - haven't you been paying attention?
Flatland2D wrote:What's a WSAR1? I didn't know they make those. SAR-1's and WASR-10's they do make. :lol:
Just shows that there is a lot MORE that you do not know. Here's a link to a pic of a WSAR-1, which you should know something about being such an expert.
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

[quote="Flatland2D]Jim, let me ask you a question. Have you ever asked for a Band-aid when you really meant to ask for an adhesive bandage?[/quote]

Not since I started teaching first aid courses in the 60s.

[quote="Flatland2D] Have you called a tissue a Kleenex when the brand you used was not made by them?[/quote]

Not in a very long time, I make it a point to call them tissues.

[quote="Flatland2D]Have you eaten store brand gelatin but called it Jell-O anyway? [/quote]

Besides the fact that I am not allowed to eat gelatin based foods, I maintain an awareness of the differences between brand names and generics and try assiduously to differentiate between them.

[quote="Flatland2D]I'm going to guess you have at some point used incorrect terminology on one or all three of those examples. Oh my gosh, let's all point and laugh at Jim for calling something it technically isn't! (hint: read with extreme sarcasm) :lol: [/quote]

That would be a poor guess on your part, and when did anyone point and laugh at you? You were gently corrected, but instead of accepting the correction you insisted that you and only you were right, leading to further attempts to convince you of the error of your ways. If anyone has made fun of you, it has been you.

[quote="Flatland2D]As for the laser beam, just make it a point to shine it in their eyes. Problem solved. [/quote]

So, according to your example, where you were going to shine the laser on them while they were quite possibly not facing you (you already fired your warning shot in your scenario) what would you do to get it in their eyes, run around in front of them? And if you were just shining the laser on them while they were doing whatever they were doing, you still probably have to move to get the laser in their eyes.

[quote="Flatland2D]A laser has a greater intimidation factor thanks to R-rated movies than its usefulness in my opinion. [/quote]

Another of your pronouncements that I disagree with. People seem to have gotten the idea that lasers are some sort of magic aiming device that guarantees pinpoint accuracy, kind of like scopes and red dot sights, and they probably got that idea from those same R rated movies that feature a motionless laser dot on target, from a gun hundreds of yards away - it just ain't going to happen that way in real life. Even at relatively short distances in very steady hands that laser dot bobs and weaves like a boxer faced with an opponent with twelve hands on the end of each arm.

Actually I have a laser because my wife thought it might make a neat gift, and I can shoot better with them, but I still have to do my part, which includes timing the swing.

[quote="Flatland2D]I know it wasn't a huge point, but I had to call you on that.[/quote]

actually the one who seems to be gitting called on points is you.

[quote="Flatland2D]I don't think anyone took me seriously in the sense of a true AK-47, and I wasn't trying to fool anyone. If you can't agree to that much, than I don't think I have anything else to say here.[/quote]

You were the one that said it was an AK-47, and a serious question was asked in return. We don't know you, have no reason to suspect that you might not have one, have no reason to expect you to be using some term that you have declared generic, and maybe, just maybe, we would be interested in finding out where you got it so we could get one too. We're sorry to see you leave after such a short time here, with a little training you could make contributions.

[quote="Flatland2D]Now everyone please excuse me while I go xerox my CHL application before sending it in. Oops, silly me, I meant to say "photo copy"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Of course, if you're sure it's a photocopier, and not a xerographic copier or an electrostatic copier.
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

stevie_d_64 wrote:
jimlongley wrote:These are take at about 15 feet (5 yards) and my wife didn't realize what I was doing behind her until I started showing her the pictures later. :lol:
I noticed that too...My wife doesn't let me play guns in the house...You are sooooo lucky...

BTW, since your up in the Big "D" area...Are you going to the big TSRA spectacular this weekend???

I look forward to meeting you sir if you do...I'll be there with muh Dad pretty much all day Saturday and at the dinner that evening...
Heck, she gave me the laser, I have to get some use out of it don't I? We both dry fire in the house regularly. And remember, this is the woman who came to my house almost 13 years ago and her first words after seeing the gun cabinet were "I don't know if I can live in a house with guns in it."

I am on the road returning Saturday and right back out (I think) on Sunday, so getting there is going to be problematic. I am looking forward to it though, and will make every effort to do so.
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

Really not trying to start a flame war - part of the reason I hang out here and a couple of other places is that they lack the childish e-battles that seem to propogate on and (where practically nobody has a REAL AR-15 either.)

Found those pics and uploaded them.

These are take at about 15 feet (5 yards) and my wife didn't realize what I was doing behind her until I started showing her the pictures later. :lol:

The first one is what the camera sees when the laser is aimed right directly at the head. I mounted an IDPA cardboard target on the camera with the lens right where the eyes would be. Notice the glare on the lens, that's the laser dot right on the lens.


The second is with the laser aimed at the chin/neck area of the same target, same lens placement. Notice how the red spot is visible at the side of the gun - these are Laser Grips - but you would have to be looking at the gun to see the light.


And the third is aiming COM, same conditions. Notice how dim that little light has gotten.


Now, to any and all that might be interested, try this little trick and wonder about all those movie scenes where the bad guy has a laser shined on him, usually from the building across the street and he doesn't know anyone is aiming at him, and he looks down and stares at it in wonder until he dies.

While standing facing straight ahead, concentrate on something at approximately eye level and take your strong hand index finger and rest it on the tip of your nose. Note that you can see it, albeit somewhat fuzzily, then trace a line from your nose to your crotch and note just where you can see your finger the next time you do see it.

Even for fat old farts like me, that finger doesn't become visible again until I stop playing with myself and raise it up.

A laser shined just about anywhere but the eyes is not going to draw the target's attention a whole lot unless they happen to glance down and see it, and then it's hard to tell where it is coming from - also unlike the movies, laser beams don't show up in the air very much.
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:30 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

Flatland2D wrote:
jimlongley wrote: Nope, an AK-47 is an AK-47, and there are no variants called an AK-47, except by the unknowing, which includes the media. If you had stated the proper nomenclature just about everyone here would have recognized what you were referring to instead of exposing yourself to unwanted criticism.

Same goes for "paint them with a laser" it's a term just not used by people familiar with guns and lasers, except maybe fighter jocks who usually use radar to "paint" a target.

BTW, have you ever had a firearm laser pointed at you? I ran some tests a while back and unless you shine it in someone's eyes, they are pretty unlikely to notice the little red light mounted on your gun. I have a series of digital pics from the tests, but the web site they were on has gone down and I haven't bothered to repost them online.
I wasn't saying my variant was called an AK-47, just that it is a variant of that rifle. Take of The Guns Network for example, a huge online community. Although technically AK-47 is a specific fully automatic rifle, it has become a blanket term for it's variants, too. Most people participating in that community have a SAR, WASR, Galil, MAADI, MAK, etc., but they all get generalized into the same term. Whether you choose to be technical or not in your usage, the term "AK-47" has broadened in the things it could reference.

Similar for "painting". You say tomato, I say ta-mah-toe. Again, I'm an educated person, but I don't feel the need to stick with such a strict vocabulary in all circumstances, especially in casual conversion online. Testifying in court, that is different.

Nope, never had a gun laser pointed at me.

This is almost like those, "it's not a clip, it's a magazine" Nazi's. Personally I try to stick with the use of "mag" and not "clip", but there's some people who just take it way too seriously. If I said, "I need another clip for my Glock" everyone here would know exactly what I meant, except for the "clip Nazi's" that would respond, "How did you modify your Glock to use stripper clips??? :lol: :lol: :lol: "......... :roll:
Actually I agree with the "clip Nazis", correct terminology is imperative in todays environment. And it's interesting how you choose to speak for "everyone here." Actually I think that the majority of the people here would want to know where you found stripper clips for your Glock.

Calling something that is patently not an AK-47, an AK-47, just drags you down to the same level as those people that call everything that shoots one bullet for each pull of the trigger without manually actuating a mechanism to load the gun again, an assault rifle or machine gun - it just ain't so.

You were the one using the term AK-47 in naming a gun you claimed to own, therefore you were indeed calling it an AK-47, how were we supposed to know that you didn't actually own an AK-47?

Were we supposed to make some leap of faith judgement that you didn't really, that it was merely a (improper) nickname for spomething that really isn't an AK-47?

And what if you did have a real AK-47, and some people do, how would you feel if everyone assumed that when you talk about your AK-47 you are actually talking about one of the generalized term guns?

It's about as acceptable, in some circles, as calling a Chevrolet a Ford because after all they do all the same things and are made the same way, etc, etc, etc. There is a difference and that difference needs to be acknowledged. Again, if you had used the proper nomenclature instead of some offhand shortcut born of whatever reasoning, you would not have found yourself subjected to criticism.

Go ahead and use whatever terms you choose, just don't be surprised when it reduces others' estimation of you.

I'll see if I can post up those laser sight pics, very interesting.
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:30 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

nitrogen wrote:If you consider a warning shot the first shot I fire C.O.M. to stop a bad guy, then yes, I'll fire a warning shot.

I shoot 9mm, and everyone knows that you have to shoot a full mag of 10 rounds to stop anybody with one of those :cryin:
A very long time ago, in a place far away (Brooklyn, NY) the Navy taught us that were being assigned as real armed guards with ammo and everything, that the proper procedure would be to holler "HALT" twice, fire a shot in the air, holler "HALT" again and then fire for effect.

We always thought the scenario would run something like (said aloud as fast as you can) "HALT, HALT" >BANG< "HALT" >BANG< with the first bang going where it would do the most good, and the second following, with at least one round going in the air. (Hey who can tell which one was fired first?)

And at the investigation afterward, because the Navy always investigates, they might, if there were witnesses, why you shot the terrorist with the first round, and your response would be. "Gee, sorry sir, I got so nervous and upset I must have aimed low with that first round."
by jimlongley
Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:21 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Would you fire a warning shot?
Replies: 57
Views: 10353

txinvestigator wrote:How did you obtain an AK47?
Where else but the gun show? :grin: Sorry, what I meant to say was my Romanian Semi-Automatic Rifle model 1, which to most people in the gun world, would readily be accepted under the term AK-47 as all it's other variants. The major difference being not having a selectable rate of fire as on the original.
txinvestigator wrote:Paint them with a laser?
I'm sure you're familiar with gun related colloquialisms to know what I mean. "Shine" a laser on someone in the middle of the night and they will most likely freeze.


Nope, an AK-47 is an AK-47, and there are no variants called an AK-47, except by the unknowing, which includes the media. If you had stated the proper nomenclature just about everyone here would have recognized what you were referring to instead of exposing yourself to unwanted criticism.

Same goes for "paint them with a laser" it's a term just not used by people familiar with guns and lasers, except maybe fighter jocks who usually use radar to "paint" a target.

BTW, have you ever had a firearm laser pointed at you? I ran some tests a while back and unless you shine it in someone's eyes, they are pretty unlikely to notice the little red light mounted on your gun. I have a series of digital pics from the tests, but the web site they were on has gone down and I haven't bothered to repost them online.

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