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- Wed May 23, 2007 11:26 am
- Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: HB 1815--SIGNED INTO LAW 6-15-07!!!
- Replies: 38
- Views: 32338
- Wed May 23, 2007 10:04 am
- Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
- Topic: HB 1815--SIGNED INTO LAW 6-15-07!!!
- Replies: 38
- Views: 32338
I just love the way legislatures work. I would go down there and sit in the gallery and watch just for the fun. It's hard to believe anyone can talk that fast for that long and keep track of what is being said about what.
In the NY legislature the process ran similarly but they had to have a roll call vote on everything, so the roll call went; "The clerk will call the roll", "Abramson, Blumenthal, Duryea, Zimmer", "Passed"
Abramson was the first in line alphabetically, Blumenthal was minority or majority leader, Duryea was the other, and Zimmer was the last alphabetically.
At least in TX the bills are on the "Local and Uncontested" calendar where someone could object to them being there, where in NY they just ran through the list decided by the powers that be.
In the NY legislature the process ran similarly but they had to have a roll call vote on everything, so the roll call went; "The clerk will call the roll", "Abramson, Blumenthal, Duryea, Zimmer", "Passed"
Abramson was the first in line alphabetically, Blumenthal was minority or majority leader, Duryea was the other, and Zimmer was the last alphabetically.
At least in TX the bills are on the "Local and Uncontested" calendar where someone could object to them being there, where in NY they just ran through the list decided by the powers that be.