One other problem is people who cannot seem to talk on the phone without using their hands. Using one hand to hold the phone and one hand to gesture leaves none for the wheel.txinvestigator wrote:I drive quite often with passangers in my vehicle. We carry on conversations and I am not distracted.
I believe the phone stuck to your ear prevents people from looking around. I have nearly been sideswiped by people who are holding the phone up to their ear and don't look before changing lanes and turning.
I also agree that dialing and looking up numbers is an issue, as well as people reading and replying tp email/text.
I use a hands free device.
And then there are those who need to take notes, or look up stuff in their PDA or daytimer, or drop their pen, and can't be bothered to pay attention to the road.
Back when only the phone company and a few wierdos had cell phones, the phone company's rules were pull over and park to make or receive calls, and if you got caught doing otherwise you were in deep doodoo. Now I see Verizon techs driving around looking up service orders while talking on the cell phone.
Driving has become a lot less safe since cellular became ubiquitous.
OTOH, being a long time ham radio operator, I have seen some very objectionable "wireless device" laws introduced in various states. NY's was a good example, it just about outlawed listening to broadcast radio and did outlaw use of ham radio, it was very poorly crafted and I believe it was shot down in court.