Living in Weatherford, I believe it. I travel quite a bit for work and wouldn't be quite so eager to put the hammer down too hard, as I see DPS on a regular basis, from the East or West. There is also a little town called Willow Park between Weatherford and Ft. Worth that radars daily, morning and night! Just a heads up...surprise_i'm_armed wrote:
I had read some years ago that out of 254 counties in Texas, DPS gives out the highest number of
speeding tickets in Parker County (which contains Weatherford). I guess lots of people on their way
from the DFW Metroplex to points west are on I-20, and as soon as they get west of Weatherford,
it's time to put the hammer down.
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- Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:43 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: DPS, I-20 Stop, Other stuff
- Replies: 18
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