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by hpcatx
Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:19 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)
Replies: 55
Views: 6420

Re: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)

XDgal wrote:I, for one, am very skeptical of th ME's report. On Friday evening, after I got home and was watching the news coverage, they showed the footage shot earlier from their news copter. Over and over it showed a police officer removing the "assalt rifle" from the trunk of the shooter's car. I guess he shot all those kids, ran out and put it in the trunk, and then ran back inside and shot himself. Bet you won't find that footage anywhere now!
The best I could find with a quick search...

by hpcatx
Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:15 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)
Replies: 55
Views: 6420

Re: Breaking The Gun Control Stalemate (Article)

The Annoyed Man wrote:BOTTOM LINE: I am NOT giving mine up, no matter what the law says. They are literally going to have to try and take them, and yes, I WILL fire on an American who is treasonous enough to try and enforce something like that. I've had a good life, and nobody lives forever, and my eternal destiny is a settled matter. Maybe if enough old coots go down fighting, enough young coots will stand up to carry the fight forward. I'm deadly serious about this.
Well said, as always, TAM. I can honestly say, that while I share your sentiment, I'm not confident that I wouldn't cave if the heat were turned up and the authorities came knocking. I would like to think I could hold my resolve, but my convictions have become more malleable when thinking about the long term care of our infant. The world post such enforcement events is certainly not a place in which I would like my son to live, though I don't know if having and knowing his father -- and being able to raise him to recognize the tyranny around him -- wouldn't win out. Maybe this line of reasoning is just cowerdly, but I suspect many ardent RKBA/2Aers would be faced with this dilemma. I pray that I may share in your strength.

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