george wrote:If it was me,
I would first try and determine if it the operator, or the gun.
Double up on ears, like Skippr said.
You could let a good shot shoot it, and see what happens. If you don't know a good shooter, try some good sand bags, and shoot really slow. If you find the sights are still shooting low and left, try a heavier bullet (heavier shoot higher), and knock the rear sight to the right. If the sights are not dove-tailed, it is possible to have a gunsmith file some off of the front sight.
If the above indicates that the sights are proper, and the issue is the operator, try this.
A pistol is very much subject to the grip you take on the gun. It is possible you could adjust the manner you grip the gun, or possibly replace the grips with something else.
I second the idea of shooting off sand bags to help determine if it is the shooter or the gun. But it usually turns out to be the shooter. Either response to the bang or an improper or weak grip on the gun.
On this model the front sights are pinned I believe and hence can be replaced as a corrective measure if by chance it is the gun. Even better, if the sights are the problem, then front and rear sights can be upgraded .
Assuming the rear sight is a gutter sight (for ccw) and adding an adjustable rear sight is unwanted then send it back to Ruger (if it is the gun and not the shooter). I believe Ruger would shoot it from a rest and return it with the target if it is fine or give a replacement otherwise (or so I hear).