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by JSThane
Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Trying something out
Replies: 1796
Views: 195871

Re: Trying something out

LikesShinyThings wrote:
JSThane wrote:Pointless reply to post on first page. Obvious lack of understanding of the original issue. Total and willful ignorance of discussion that followed.

[Quote provided, off topic to original issue and to reply]

Ad-hominem generalization about group of people not even mentioned in post.

Summation of reply, longer than actual reply.

Declaration that I must be right, as my logic is in-arguable.
Counter point to your declaration that you must be right. Also, nitpicking technical minor quibble blown out of all proportion to the original point being picked at.
Re-iteration of original declaration. Statement of demonstrably false information, with added sources which, when traced, all quote original flawed study.

Statement which obliquely implies any disagreement is demonstrative of mental illness.

Closing statement which inadvertently disproves entire line of reasoning, then re-iteration of "I must be right."
by JSThane
Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:51 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Trying something out
Replies: 1796
Views: 195871

Re: Trying something out

Pointless reply to post on first page. Obvious lack of understanding of the original issue. Total and willful ignorance of discussion that followed.

[Quote provided, off topic to original issue and to reply]

Ad-hominem generalization about group of people not even mentioned in post.

Summation of reply, longer than actual reply.

Declaration that I must be right, as my logic is in-arguable.

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