Absolutley! I agree wholeheartedly that these staged stunt bike events are illegal, wrong, foolish, and dangerous to everyone else on the road (including themselves).Keith B wrote:The other issue is that a motorcyclist whipping in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed can startle a or doing a motorists and can cause them to either swerve or react in another way counter to just staying the course. Goes for cars doing this also, but the motorcycles have a tendency to come by much faster and cut closer to the cars.
Also, bikers doing wheelies and other stunts are a distraction and while it may not be that dangerous for the rider, the distraction to the poor driver on the road may just be enough to cause them to loose focus and cause an accident.
However, the deputy that stopped the guy and arrested him for "obstructed license plate" went way over the line. I'd encourage anyone who doubts it to watch the entire 11 minute video that the guy's helmet cam is recording AND listen to what the deputy says and his behavior when he gets frustrated. When he first approaches, the rider asks why he was pulled over..." was I doing anything wrong?" The deputy says "the whole bunch of you". Moore says "not them..me..individually...was I doing anything wrong? Why did you stop me?" The officer says " You're being pulled over because I'm going to take your camera and it's going to be used as evidence against crimes by other bikers". The rider (chris moore) says "I haven't committed any crime and you can't just take my personal property." The deputy who is looking at his license and registration papers while standing at the rear of the bike, says "ok, ok fine...I've gotta check these papers" and goes to the patrol car. He stays in the patrol car for over 3 minutes talking on radio until a DPD patrol unit rolls up as the Deputy exits car and tells Moore he's under arrest for having an obstructed license plate and to put his hands behind his back. Moore is protesting saying "you've gotta be kidding me, I didn't do anything" and the Deputy yells at him as he shoves him down onto the car and cuffs him and telling him to "shut up...just shut up" and one of the two DPD officers is shown grinning and is heard telling him to " shut up" also. The deputy keeps saying (loudly) "how do I get this (the helmet with the camera) off here, and one of the DPD officers says I can show you how to do it. As they are all moving behind the bike to put Moore in the car, he is protesting saying "there's nothing wrong with the plate...look at it...you can read it just fine", as he reads off the numbers while one of the DPD officers is shown grinning, before he and the other DPD officer suddenly start jogging up the frontage road away from their car for an unknown reason, about a 100 yards, out of sight into some landscaping trees bordering a parking lot and aren't seen again. The Deputy is angry and yells at Moore to "get in..get in there" and shoves him roughly into the patrol car while yelling at him and slams the door so hard it bounces back and he slams it again. The channel 8 report said that the Deputy was not present when the "stunting activities" that were shown by the police dashcam occurred, and that this arrest took place about 15 minutes later. As the former Dallas prosecutor said in a Channel 8 interview, "you can understand their (the police) frustration, but the Constitution trumps frustration every time, you just can't stop someone and seize personal property without a real good reason AND a warrant.