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by talltex
Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:57 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!
Replies: 283
Views: 33962

Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!

texanjoker wrote: I worked k9s and have my former partner my back yard that is now retired. You do not use a drug dog to search a person.
not necessary to use a drug dog to sniff people...most do it on their own...often in an embarrassing ;-)
by talltex
Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:29 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!
Replies: 283
Views: 33962

Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!

Dave2 wrote:
jmra wrote:How did we get from cavity searches to math?
By allowing non-sensical colloquialisms to enter common usage.

I blame the school system. :biggrinjester:

you can drive the "grammar nazis" crazy when you pat them on the back and say "their, there, they're".... :smilelol5:
by talltex
Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:17 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!
Replies: 283
Views: 33962

Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!

Redneck_Buddha wrote:
schufflerbot wrote:the article reads that the officer (not sure which one) has a long history of misconduct including inappropriate strip searches, cavity searches, etc.

this was a huge foul up on the part of those in charge, if that is the case. once an officer develops a pattern of this type of behavior it's time to pull them off the street and glue them to a desk chair.
Or remove them from law enforcement altogether.
:iagree: If any officer demonstrates a pattern of abusive behavior, whether of a verbal, physical, or sexual nature, they don't need to be glued to a seat...they need to be in another line of work...period. And, if the behavior in question would have resulted in criminal charges for a non-LEO, they should also be subject to the same penalties.
by talltex
Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:53 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!
Replies: 283
Views: 33962

Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!

Oldgringo wrote:
Before any/everyone accuses me of being a pothead, I never have used any non-prescription drugs including marijuana. I'm just a old, sarcastic, innuendoing, moral relativist who thinks the so-called 'War on Drugs' in an expensive waste of time, resources and money.

The police state actions depicted herein are despicable and have absolutely no place in a free country. File charges and sue big time! :patriot:
:iagree: From one non-pot smoking, "moral relativist" to another.
As for the body search...the whole stop appears to be a fishing expedition, and probable cause for ANY search looks pretty weak (unless tossing a butt is now a known indicator of illicit drug use), much less a hands on (and IN) search. After his search of the car and the body search come up empty, Officer Ferrell's response to the woman when she complains about what was just done to her, is to imply that it's her fault because she's driving a car that's smoked in

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