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by Ruark
Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:24 pm
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Texas House Committee Assignments announced
Replies: 19
Views: 24432

Re: Texas House Committee Assignments announced

multiple representatives who have filed pro-2A pieces of legislation.
Any descriptions of what's been filed so far?

I hope there's not some huge focus on constitutional carry. That's not going to pass and is a waste of political bandwidth. An expansion of places to carry would be welcome as well as practical. I'd like to see people with CHLs allowed to carry firearms unconcealed in their vehicles, like between the seats or in a dashboard slot, something like that. I'd also like to see pocket carry (with the grip partially exposed) acceptable as a mode of open carry. If I were just making a quick run down the block to pick up some milk, I'd love to just stick my Walther P99 into my pocket instead of messing with a holster.

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