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by Ruark
Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:45 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Stay Warm and Safe the Next Few Days
Replies: 166
Views: 36814

Re: Stay Warm and Safe the Next Few Days

We live near Comfort, about 20 miles NW of San Antonio.

Haven't seen weather like this since I lived in Amarillo. Got down to 5 degrees last night. Now it's 8:40 a.m. and it's 7, high today in the mid 20s. Single digits tonight, middle 30s tomorrow. Nighttime lows in the teens through Friday. Can you believe Sunday and Monday it shoots back up into the 70s??!!!

Pipe froze out at the water well house night before last. Got a heating pad (like you put on a sore back) and wrapped it, got it thawed out in a couple of hours. Sealed the pump house with expanding foam, turned on a little electric heater. Leaving faucets slightly running in the house. I just hope we don't overload the septic!!

Clear blue sky and sunny, but still too cold for anything to melt. 6 inches of snow on the subdivision street in front of our place.

Got a big pizza pan and put some bird seed in it, and sat it out in the yard. It's swarming with hungry birds now.

Be glad when this is over! Everybody be safe.

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