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by Gunner4640
Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:57 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?
Replies: 48
Views: 9419

Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

Holy crap I did not asked to be chastised in the post. :mad5 My last post of this type>>>> Lesson learned. :tiphat:
by Gunner4640
Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:18 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?
Replies: 48
Views: 9419

Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

Thanks everyone for all the comments and opinions. No matter what at my age and health condition I am not going to let someone come near me in a parking lot that was stalking me from the door to my car. I did not draw the gun only had my hand on it and the gun was not exposed (my shirt was long and I am pretty sure it covered my hand) but as said you could tell my hand was on something under my shirt. In this day and time and especially in this city I am not going to take any chances with my wife's life or mine. I must admit it was interesting reading of all the different opinions stated in this post. Thanks again. :txflag:
by Gunner4640
Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?
Replies: 48
Views: 9419

Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

Let me add some things I didn't in the first post. The guy was following me from the time I came out of the door. He could have approached me then but he didn't he went around to the back of my car. I was in the end of the parking lot no other cars close to me. He never said a word but I guess I never gave him a chance to say one.
Someone pacing me and going to back of my car instead of coming to the front. I am not going to take any chances. He was not the type of person to have a cell phone either, so him making a call I doubt it
by Gunner4640
Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:32 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?
Replies: 48
Views: 9419

Re: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

I guess I failed to say I don't think he saw the gun because the shirt I had on was long and baggy type. I think he just saw the bottom of my owb black leather holster but he knew I was armed. if that makes a difference?
by Gunner4640
Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:39 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?
Replies: 48
Views: 9419

Opinions/comments on parking lot guy approching me?

I was at a Gander mt in Houston. I was walking to my car and I noticed a man walking towards the rear of my car about 20 yards away following every step as I took one
he ended up behind my car when I turned in front of the car going towards the door he started walking towards me. I raised my shirt and placed my hand on my gun and told him not to come near me, he froze in his tracks and stood there giving my dirty looks. I watched him as I opened the door he never moved. Once in the car my wife who had her gun in hand said he was approaching people in the parking lot for about 20 minutes she said most people went the other way when he did, in my opinion by his actions he was stalking me because he ended up behind my car the exact moment I got to the front. I posted a shortened version of this story on another site and was told I was lucky he did not file charges on me for brandishing my gun, I did not draw it only had my hand on it and told him not to come near me. What my question is could he have filed on me for brandishing my gun? even though I did not draw it from it's holster? I just issued him a warning to stay away. The people on the other site say I was lucky and had no right to do that? My thought are that 1. he was stalking me (he followed my every step) 2. he was behind my car 3. I was in an open parking lot. 4. I did not know this person. 5. he was bigger than me. 6. my wife was in the car but close to what was going on. 6. he was walking around in the parking lot.Was I wrong by putting my hand on my gun and telling him to stay away from me ? I do not take into account what others say about the laws no knowing if they are chl holders or not. seeking opinions about this situation I was in. Also called Gander mgr told him about the guy. Gander at 1960/290 :txflag:

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