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by thedeceiver
Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:10 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Background check
Replies: 39
Views: 7568

Re: Background check

I am kind of with Skippr and kind of with Banjo at the same time. I think generally we should wait the alotted time before checking for status updates directly with CHL personnel. Their process is going to be designed to effectively and efficiently (for a Government, that is) to process the applications. While I think it's a little crazy that it would take 60 days when I'm sure 90% of what they're doing is just mashing our names, SSN, etc. into a computer and getting a result, it is what it is.

On the other hand, all things being equal, I think it's fair if two people in the same household with seemingly similar backgrounds, criminal history, etc. have vastly different processing times, something is not right. I would NOT advocate however that people should be reading these forums, see Joe Blow get done in 30 days and wonder why you're taking 45. You could be substantially different people with very different backgrounds.

Near as I can tell, it was a good call to try and get an answer why one person in the house got theirs really quickly and another person with a similar background took significantly longer.

My momma always used to tell me that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
by thedeceiver
Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:50 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Background check
Replies: 39
Views: 7568

Re: Background check

urnoodle wrote:I realize that they get a lot of apps. I can even see it taking a bit longer when something shows up in the BG even if it has no impact on approval. It generally means more paperwork and additional controls. When there's nothing there, not even a speeding ticket. Applicants who submitted theirs a week after you, have already received the mail update, its frustrating. You would think there is an order in which it was received methodology. I realize I'm just impatient. I'm going to go take a get over myself pill and I'll be right back...
My timeline was very similar to yours. 12/10 for the class (did the fingerprints a few days before), mailed on 12/11 (Sunday) and mine is currently in "Manufacturing". I, however, have no arrests, let alone convictions. Only thing I had that was a little out of the ordinary was that I was born in a different country.

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