So far as my personal habits changing; it really does make you more aware of what is going on around you. Instead of being investigative about stuff I don't really take chances anymore. Definately know a lot more about various sections of Texas law from hanging here. Lots of bull myths evaporated aswell. Merely carrying a gun transforms you into a much more lawful/responsible person.
Being in college you're always on the wire with legal definitions when carrying. I had to get used to all the rules associated with that and bars. If I was going to class I made sure (several times) that I hadn't left a gun in my back pack. If I was going onto campus I had to consider whether I was just walking through or if I might head into a building. I also had to take a loose interpretation of what a "school sponsored event" was. If I was gonna go out with friends to a bar I had to make sure I had somewhere to stay and that my guns would be secure.
Ah horse hocky, I carry a Sig P228Dwight K. Schrute wrote: I hope this doesn't sound corny, but the striker-fired/semi-automatic/polymer handgun is sort of "ours".