There is no prohibition for collecting in this state. The only zoning prohibition might be with regard to running a business out of your home, however since you won't be running a business don't worry about it.prohibited by state or local law, including zoning ordinances.
The C&R license is not a license to conduct business. You may collect and periodically dispose of firearms for the purpose of enhancing your collection. Example: You buy several M48 Mausers. You keep the best examples and dispose of the rest. Just remember to keep a notebook of your acquisitions and disposals.statements 2 and 3 of section 14 says you must comply with "State and local laws applicable to the business". When they say "business" on a CR FFL application, do they mean the business of collecting? Conducting business as commerce under a CR FF license is clearly prohibited. In fact, in the instructions, instruction #8 says that if you intend to "engage in the firearms business" you need to submit ATF Form 7. Running a firearms business I can understand how you can run afoul of zoning regulations.
separate subject: Don't forget your dear chief letter to the local LEO. Here's an example of the one I wrote when I got my C&R.
Chief Larry Boyd
Irving Police Department
305 North O’Connor Rd
Irving, Texas 75060
Chief Boyd,
Enclosed please find, as per federal regulation, a copy of my ATF Form 8 (5310.11) for the renewal of my Type 03 Collector of Curios And Relics Federal Firearms License. You are not required to take any action with respect to the enclosed form. If I can be of any service, or if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address above. With kindest regards, I remain
Very truly yours,