chuck j wrote:Liberty wrote:Reciprocity isn't to big a deal for us Texans. I don't admit to knowing all the rules in all the states, but it's not too hard to play it safe. I don't carry into bars or restaurants that serve alcohol. I know that it's perfectly legal to carry concealed in my car anywhere that recognizes my Texas CHL. That I can carry in the National parks as I hike and walk. I obey all the No Guns signs when I see them if I am not sure of the validity.
If I am going to stay in a particular state for a while it isn't too hard to look up the state and check out the idiosyncracies, but its not that hard to pack and stay out of trouble if you uses a little common sense.
It's not exactly that simple ........legally speaking .
Just making sure we're all on the same topic here. HB 560 doesn't deal with interstate reciprocity at all. It's about removing certain prohibited places within Texas where a CHL/LTC holder currently cannot carry.