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by lbuehler325
Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:06 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Don't Quit The Board!
Replies: 20
Views: 2797

Re: Don't Quit The Board!

I have a theory on why some might leave the group. Given the President's seeming willingness to push 'forward' on limiting our rights through executive order if necessary, I could see a lot of folks wanting to disassociate with a group that essentially says 'I have guns, please come take mine first because I really disagree with the government on this issue'.

Let's assume we live in a country where the God given right's affirmed to us in our Constitution no longer apply. Not a far stretch given the current environment. Let's assume we lived in a country where we could be categorized as extremist elements due to our affinity for the Constitution... a country where those 'extremists' could then be held indeterminately without trial under the provisions of the NDAA... a country where we can be survailed through our internet posts (SOPA)... a country where the masses would sacrifice their liberty for a false sense of government provided security.

Despite what people say, I have very little faith in people, and unfortunately believe that the vast majority of gun owners would simply cave to the government's wishes rather than defend the constitution.

Gun owners, and gun rights supporters, just might consider disassociating from the group to lay low for a while, lest they be the target of 'big brother'.

Fortunately for me, ALL of my firearms, ammunition, and high capacity 'feeding devices' were tragically lost in an unavoidable boating accident ;-)

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