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by Jim Beaux
Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:19 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!
Replies: 31
Views: 5867

Re: Multiple different LEO events-READ first then judge!

george wrote:Cops aren't lawyers, or else they would making a lot more money practising law.

I don't expect them to know all the details of our complicated legal system.

I have had a LEO with the Alvin ISD tell me that he could arrest me for walking down the sidewalk in front of a school while carrying with a chl.
I have had Pearland cops demand identification (while I wasn't driving), or else!
I have had a Brazoria county sheriff's deputy tell me Barnes copper bullets were illegal, because they were "armor piercing".
The list goes on....

In all cases I have not argued the case, to avoid the confrontation. I respect their authority, but do not expect them to know everything.

I am under the impression that many DPS LEO's have quite a lot of CEUs that can be applied towards a law degree. In general it's safe to assume that DPS guys are well educated professionals.

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