C-dub wrote:This isn't a stupid law, but where does it stop? I hadn't realized that tow truck drivers were now included. They are not emergency workers or first responders. How many regular folks being hit or killed will it take before the law is expanded to any vehicle on the side of the road?
Tow truck operators are working right alongside emergency workers everyday clearing accident scenes. They
are emergency workers. They are doing just as much of a duty to help with the rescue and cleanup as the fire, EMS and law enforcement personnel. In the small rural area I reside in, it is not uncommon for tow trucks to "first respond" with EMS and fire units.
There are probably just as many, if not more tow truck operators killed each year on the side of the road doing their job as police, fire and EMS people. The next time you see one helping a stranded motorist on the side of the road, go ahead and extend the courtesy of moving over or slowing down. It's the law. There is no one to write the citation or watch his or her back.