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by tomtexan
Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:21 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Diesel Bear
Replies: 7
Views: 2228

Re: Diesel Bear

mgood wrote:I finally got to show off my CHL yesterday. (It's been years, like since the early days of CHL, back in the nineties.)

I got pulled over by one of those black and white blazers, the DPS officers who deal primarily with commercial vehicles.
We'd actually been talking for a while, and he was looking over my truck, when he got around to asking for my driver's license and medical card. (Commercial drivers have to have a DOT physical every two years and are required to carry a card showing that you're up to date.) I handed him my DL and CHL and by the time I found my medical card, he handed the CHL back to me. He never asked if I was armed and I never said. The subject just never came up. Totally irrelevant to our business at the moment, I guess. As it should be.

A good stop.
(Especially considering that he could have given me a ticket for any number of things wrong with my piece-o-junk truck but instead only gave me a warning for several minor issues. :cool: )
What size truck are you driving? I'm going to assume it is a commercial vehicle. The reason I ask is I have been struggling with the question of whether or not it is legal to be carrying in a commercial vehicle with a CHL. For some reason I have always been under the impression that weapons in a commercial vehicle was forbidden. I carry everyday in a commercial vehicle but worry about the repercussions I might suffer.

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