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by ScooterSissy
Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:59 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Church shooting Charleston SC
Replies: 200
Views: 113791

Re: Church shooting Charleston SC

VMI77 wrote: I stopped reading comments at sites like HuffPo and Daily KOS awhile back.....but if you read the comments at sites like those regularly it becomes very clear that many want to see their political opposition rounded up and caged and/or killed. Before the current POTUS I used to read articles and comments on these sites regularly but don't recall seeing the same volume of open hatred and blood lust. Under the current administration many on the left seem to have been emboldened and now feel free to express their innermost desires.
Exactly. I saw a twitter user say that she wanted readers to ask Anonymous to go after Charles Cotton. When I responded that asking that opposition web sites be hacked, her response was that she was "joking", but didn't want the site hacked, she wanted him doxed (exposing personal information).

The left definitely wants to silence opposition.
by ScooterSissy
Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:36 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Church shooting Charleston SC
Replies: 200
Views: 113791

Re: Church shooting Charleston SC

Rachel Martin wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
ShootDontTalk wrote:Something else to consider: The pastor of this church, who was killed, is a State Legislator in S.C.
And he voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead.


That's some serious victim-blaming, sir. Isn't the murderer in fact the one to blame for the nine dead folks being dead? (I realize that may not fit your agenda, to put the blame squarely where it belongs - at the feet of a guy who used a gun to kill nine innocents in a house of worship - but try for some accuracy. You demean your cause otherwise, I feel.)
I suggest you reread the portion you quoted. He didn't blame the victims. He stated (accurately) that eight of the church members might be alive if the pastor had allowed members to carry handguns.

Our church not only allows handguns, but after the Wedgewood shooting (a few miles from our church), they encouraged members with a CHL to carry in church. A few years back, they even offered a CHL class at the church.

There is no way to stop all evil. If someone wants to kill, they will get a gun and kill. However, I suspect that someone with evil intent will find themselves stopped very quickly at our church, and others like it that allow members to defend themselves.

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