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by usmc groper
Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:36 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Mailed !
Replies: 12
Views: 2076

Re: Mailed !

peppergat wrote:WooHoo ! License in the wallet ! Went to Walmart , Tractor supply , 2 Pawn Shops and CVS . Kinda suck's in a way though , All I can carry is My LCP in a pocket holster . The Bladetech holster for my XD Tactical has not shown up yet . At least I'm legal !!
I am expecting the same feeling. I figure mine will get here next Tuesday-ish, but I will be out and about with my S&W snubbie in the pocket. At least until my Hidden Hybrid for the M&P with Viridian gets here. :waiting:

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