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by CenTex
Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:49 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Why I don't belong to the NRA
Replies: 40
Views: 5172

Re: Why I don't belong to the NRA

I joined the NRA several years ago and then dropped out when they supported a Democrat that I have no use for (Chet Edwards, D, carpet bagger Waco). I rejoined as an annual member about three years ago and upgraded to Life last year, Endowment this year and will make another upgrade next year. I also have joined GOA and TSRA as a life member.
this is obviously as a reaction to the constitution destroying want-to-be dictator illegal alien in the White House (other descriptional words relating to his ancestry omitted). These groups need all of the support they can garner.

I have a son and grandson that are NRA lifers at their expense and a daughter that is an annual member at my expense.

I have also donated to the NRA-ILA since they are the legal front for the NRA and will continue to drop a few bucks in their kitty as the year progresses... FWIW, I am a fixed income retiree.

I have edited my profile to receive only that which I want, I expect the current backlog is delaying updates but even normally it takes awhile. I would call NRA and ask for my member number, I did.

:txflag: :thewave :patriot:

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