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- Mon May 07, 2012 4:57 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
- Replies: 49
- Views: 11472
Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
Well you can carry pepper spray and open the door. Also I'm sure if you pull your weapon out and anther person see you with it; they are going to make you the suspect all of a sudden. you may have a gun trained on you. My Daddy told me don't pull a gun unless your going to use it. My weapon is a last resort insurance problem not a deterrent device boys . Sorry for my spelling. how ever I did not know you could pull your weapon and not get in trouble.
- Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:52 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
- Replies: 49
- Views: 11472
Re: CHL Incident- North Dallas PD- Great Guys
I would not have pulled my weapon. Its a last resort thing life Death not had my hand on it; Id had my hand on my peeper spay from wall mart they are only 10 bucks. as soon as he was yelling id be on my cell phone calling it in phone in one hand pepper spay in the other getting in my car.. Cops are coming they will most likely leave or be there irate when the cops get there. I call in strange stuff looks better on you if you have Stop them. Gun is a last resort. You shoot a unarmed man its a problem. He has a wife or a mom are some one that knows a LEOs it wont be cool. Prob some LEO kid. If he was yelling at me id get in the car lock the doors. He cant touch you in the car. he gets out yelling I'm calling 911 he has a gun or knife, then I'm Drawing. My mom yells at me my Drill instructor yells at me no pain in yelling. Pull last. Think safety 1st. I look at it like this you can Run you can hide and still survive. If that guy would have called you in crying you pulled your gun. Be your MR post man. Better he don't even know what happens till the trigger is pulled.