Very well said, and add ... people who rely on government to resolve their issues.snatchel wrote:BillT wrote:
I resent the fact that the Govt just made it my responsibility. Want to know what the REAL problem facing millions of Americans is? An oppressive government that has overstepped it's boundaries and is intruding on our liberty to live life as we see fit.
I chose not to have kids, yet I'm now supporting everyone else's AGAIN. This is my reward for never taking welfare and working hard all my life?
Consider the NDAA and the way this "chief" does everything shrouded in mystery, going even so far as to making executive orders for a political ploy and not being held responsible, or even questioned?? The apathy is disgusting. This is just one more step towards it. MKULTRA anyone? I'm no conspiracy theorist, but if it looks like a duck... and this is just the beginning.
Our forefathers would have been shooting by now. The jews got on the train. Will we do the same?