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by ayermedic
Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:19 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Computer Updates
Replies: 9
Views: 2140

Re: Computer Updates

This is stuff I learned the hard way this summer and am recycling it back thru to help those dealing with the process of waiting. Good Luck
by ayermedic
Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:13 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: Computer Updates
Replies: 9
Views: 2140

Computer Updates

Since I have been "very closely" tracking my progress I have learned some stuff about when things in your status changes as you go along through the process. I hope this info may help my fellow and future hand ringers as we check 10 times a day for an update. Seems to me that the only time the computer changes occur is at or around 6am and no other time. My status has changed (Finally) to "Mailed" I am always up early and thanx to my Fire and EMS life I am often up all during the night. The changes always occur @ 6am or so. @ 5:45 this morning I was still in Manufacturing and @ 6:15 I was in mailed. This is the time I suppose that the system automatically updates the status of all accounts and your individual changes do not occur in real time. All of my changes have occured a little after 6am. As well the system is always a day later than reality. In other words I called on the 7/11 and inquired about my status and was told that all was well and my stuff was pending printing/ background complete. Online it was still showing my account in background check pending etc. The status never changed all that day until the following morning of 7/12, 6:10am it updated to Manufacture Pending Background complete etc. (Whoo-Hoo! finally some progress). The following day @ 6am the staus changed to "Manufacturing"This morning I started checking a little before 6 while I was first getting ready for work and finally when I checked again @ 6:15 I was showing "Mailed" . As we know there was nobody there at 6am mailing off my stuff on Saturday morning, It had been mailed the day before on Friday at some point in the day not sure when pending delivery in a few days depending on where in the state you live. Yet the update did not show up till today (saturday) @6am.
So hopefully This will help folks to realize you only need to check once in the morning around 7am and that will be the only update for the day till system updates all it's accounts again the following morning. This may make the wait easier to endure for some, or not. I wish I knew I only had to check once a day would have been helpful here in the "Waiting Room" At least I will not have to check the mail box 10times a day! I know when he gets here! As for the rest here is my time line of dread, waiting , and despair that I will share with you!

5/31/12 Online App.
6/2/12 CHL Class. (At the "Lone Star Gun Range" with Ross and Dottie Bransford...Thanx)
6/2/12 Finger Prints
6/4/12 Mailed packet regular USPS (after checking rechecking and checking again to make sure it was right!)
6/14/12 First change appears online showing recieved all stuff and in background check
7/12/12 28 LONG days later "Manf Pending" Backgound complete.
7/13/12 Manufacturing.
7/14/12 Mailed.
7/??/12 Recieved....soon I hope.

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