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by Moby
Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:46 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: If someone is going to join the military what branch and why
Replies: 81
Views: 15271

Re: If someone is going to join the military what branch and

The little known service.

The United States Coast Guard.
We were in Viet Nam
We were in Iraq.
We're the unsung hero's
And I do mean HERO'S
(I'm speaking of current members)

You will never know the feeling of accomplishment when you save civilian lives. Think fire Rescue mixed with Police work, with counter terrorism thrown in.
On the high seas during a serious storm you will question your decision to join. We all did. I served for ten years and was in two hurricanes one with 60 foot seas and so many storms I can't count, and served as an LEO. It's just Maritime law.

No other service will cross train you in so many different tasks.
It's because the Coast Guard is small. In the Navy if you’re a gunners mate you'll
learn a lot about guns. Plus cannons.

But in the coast Guard you'll learn about guns, Law Enforcement, SAR, firefighting, emergency medical response, and much much more.
A Coast Guardsman can and WILL be called upon to do far more than his MOS (main job description)

In ten years I learned so much. I had so much excitement and adventure it was mind blowing.

Two down sides. You most probably will not see the world.
And it's VERY hard to get in. But you're instantly part of DHS if you do get in.

A word of caution. It's not for sissy’s, Boot camp is as tough as the Marines without the Crucible march and they will throw you out.
But trust me they will show you you can do far more then you think you can.
I'm unsure how things are now but in 1976 I was pretty they were trying to kill me.

There are not as many medals and not as many bullets flying. But trust me, you will be put
in harms ways. Just not against an enemy you can shoot. Mother Nature is more of a B***** than most people know.

Want a truly awesome career? Try the Coast Guard. Some will say we're wimps but few can actually cut it.
I recall pulling a group of marines out of the water of the Coast of North Carolina,
and they sure as heck didn't think we were sissy's. Never been thanked more.
The ocean is a big place 7 miles offshore when you're treading water.

They fly in serious weather all the time. SERIOUS CASHEWS!!!!!

EVERYONE thinks the service they were in is the best one.
The reason is simple. We all served the flag and the Constitution of the United States of America.
And every darn Vet I ever see I am grateful for.

The fact that you want to serve makes you an awesome man already.
Whatever service you choose, remember, keep your mouth shut, your ears open, and nothing you are being taught
is a waist of your time. YOU WILL USE IT ALL!!!!

Good luck son. And God Bless you.
Semper Paratus
Always Ready

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