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by Jaguar
Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:54 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Finally Got the CHL!
Replies: 7
Views: 1913

Re: Finally Got the CHL!

First off, welcome to the wonderful world of carrying.

The two most important things you need are 1) a good belt, and 2) a good holster. After that adjust your wardrobe to fit the rig you have chosen, and adjust your movements to help keep it concealed.

I have a Galco gun belt and I carry in a Theis hybrid holster (like a Crossbreed Supertuck). I am fairly tall to begin with (6’3”) so I started purchasing only shirts that were tall (2XT for me) and this help keep the shirt from riding up. I am still conscious of when I am bending over, but so far have not had a problem. Typically I wear an undershirt tucked in to keep the holster off my skin, and a tall polo shirt over the top.

I am also fairly fat, so I purchased Wrangler Comfort Solutions Series Comfort Fit jeans that have a flex fit waistband that adjusts up to two inches for putting a pistol inside the waistband. That allows me to have the correct size for when I’m at work and not allowed to carry, and I can still get my pistol in when I get to the car. I would recommend these jeans if you wear jeans.

And finally, don’t worry too much about printing, very few will notice and usually those that do are other people who carry. I went to the Pro-2A Rally in Austin last weekend and I am sure about 90% were packing but I didn’t see any, not that I was looking very hard. Most people are too wrapped up in their iPhone to think it is anything other than an iPhone that for some reason you aren’t staring at, that is the weird part to them; you are not staring at it. :shock:

Have fun and be safe.

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