I own a Comp-Tac belt with stiffener. While it is cheaper, there are differences between it and the other quality 2 layer bullhide or horsehide belts. The Comp-Tac sacrifices leather thickness in one of the layers to accomodate the stiffener. However, they do not run the stiffener all the way to the buckle or all the way to the tip (through the buckle holes on the other end). This means that the holes can still stretch, and that the belt has a weaker zone where the kydex stiffener insert is not present. It is stiff enough for most small and medium framed guns for most people I think.
I prefer a two layer gun belt that is 1/4" thick. Kramer and Beltman are good examples. Tucker Gunleather and others also make good ones (bullhide and A&G are recommended by others on similar threads on this forum). Somebody makes one with a kydex stiffener that carries it all the way to the ends of the belt, but I forget who that is. I find that the quality 2 layer horsehide leather belt is sufficient without the stiffener in my size and with my firearms. Mine is stiffer and moves less than my Comp-Tac or my Wilderness Tactical 5 stitch instructor belt.
The Wilderness Tactical 5 stitch istructor belt is similar to the comptac in that it is perfectly sufficient for small to medium framed guns. It also has the weaker zone where the stitching stops near the buckles.
I'm not suggesting that you'd ever mount a gun in what I'd call the weak zone, but I'm suggesting that the lack of vertical stability in that section could allow some movement in the area where the gun is mounted if the gun is heavy enough.
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- by xb12s
- Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:48 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Gun belt advice?
- Replies: 26
- Views: 5240
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