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by J.J.
Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:54 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How would you answer?
Replies: 17
Views: 2490

Re: How would you answer?

I would also try to deflect or redirect the question.
I also try not to lie at all, much less in front of my child.
Good post! I have thought about being outed if my shirt exposed my weapon, but an unprompted inquiry such as this sets off some warning flags!

I like these replies,
Why do you?
Why do I need one?
That is an odd question, why do you ask?

If he redirected the question I think I would reply with "If I did that would be a personal matter. Why is this such a concern?"
At this point I may consider walking away on the deal if things didn't get better quickly.

I think I would also try to figure out if there was anything I did to clue him in on the fact that I was carrying. Whether the grip was printing as I bent over while inspecting the car or if my shirt lifted and exposed the weapon.
Just my $.02!
Thanks for sharing. I love it when I can learn from others experiences!
After all, thats why were here right? ;)

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