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- Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:10 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
- Replies: 81
- Views: 18078
Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Waaaay back in my college days, I took Taekwando. They taught "the first rule of self-defense is politeness". And then fast-forward about 20yrs to my CHL class that taught "the easiest way to employ non-voilent dispute resolution is to not get in disputes that could turn violent". Somewhere in between the two, I picked up the following "Many situations will offer you a choice of mercy or justice. Which one will you choose?" Since I've gotten away with a whole lot more than I've gotten caught & punished for, I'll take mercy every time!
- Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:32 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
- Replies: 81
- Views: 18078
Re: Teen killed by Florida CHL'er
Exactly the mentality I adopted when I made the decision (not very long ago) to get my CHL. And I believe that I'm the better for it. When I make the choice each day to leave my house as an armed citizen, I also take on the added responsibility of trying to do everything in my power to not have to employ the tool at my side. And yes, I believe myself to be held to a higher standard because of it. No more impatient honking at dipwads. No more 1/2 victory signs or cussing out nimrods (which actually can draw an obscenity charge, btw). And definitely no more playing swoop & brake with wingnuts on the freeway.68blackbird wrote:I don't have my CHL yet, but from everything I have read(mostly from this forum), seems like the shooter instigated the matter. Yeah, it may have been annoying, a bunch of young kids rolling up with their loud music, I don't care for it either,but I'm not sure if i would say something if I was not carrying, though tempted to do so, but most certainly would NOT say anything to them if I was carrying. Don't "we" as CHL holders(when I get mine) have an obligation to avoid situations even more so than a non CHL holder? I know I have been guilty of "flipping" someone off after getting cut-off on the road, maybe honked and barked at them, then they flip me off, so I "replied back", but that cannot be the case once I(we) accepted the responsibilty of being a CHL holder. I am taking the approach that as a CHL holder, I am holding myself to be above the pettyness. I mean, if the guy just gets his gas, ignored the bunch of young kids(we were all kids at one time), goes about his business, the kid is still alive,and he is not being tried for the crime, all is good.....all over some loud music, this momentary laspe in reason effected many people, my 2¢.
As with any of the articles that first get referenced on here & other forums, lots of facts seem to be missing/left out. Although I do find it "interesting" that the races of all of the participants seem to be clearly and prominently recorded. So given the few facts presented and being able to reflect from the relative safety & security of my computer keyboard, there are several issues that I'd call into question. Why pull up to a gas pump next to where someone is playing loud music if the music offends? If no other pumps are available, why not find another gas station or wait until the musicers leave? If one MUST pull up to a pump next to loud music, does it make a lot of sense to make an issue of the music when clearly outnumbered? A similar point could be made a bit later in the encounter if a polite request was made to turn the music down and that request was met with a disrespectful reply - it doesn't make sense to press the issue when clearly outnumbered.