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by MustangGlocker
Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:19 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Ham Call Signs In Profile
Replies: 52
Views: 30251

Re: Ham Call Signs In Profile

Hey *****! Good to hear from you! I'd probably recognize you immediately if I saw you, remembering the old AARC days. A lonnnggggg time ago! I'm not active on any of the ham bands and haven't been for some time. I need to get back into the swing of things.

I pass by the office(or where it used to be...I guess it's still there. The HF yagi is still up) several times per week. Brought back fond memories. Is Larry still there? He & I used to have used to have so much fun going to the regional hamfests in TX, OK, & LA while generating some pretty good income for the company. If the 'Pole' ( :cool: :lol: ) is still there, we ought to get together someday & pay him a visit! :cheers2:
They are still there. Larry actually bought the company when Fred retired so he's been running the show, with common sense for many years. He also got Fred's old call assigned to the VEC in memoriam so W5YI will live on forever.
by MustangGlocker
Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:19 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: Ham Call Signs In Profile
Replies: 52
Views: 30251

Re: Ham Call Signs In Profile

joe817 wrote:I was fortunate enough for THE W5YI VEC to give me a part time job grading papers at his house here. It turned into a full time job, and it was so much fun while it lasted. Gordon & Fred collaborated on many training manuals & tapes, & I was privileged enough to debut them at the Dayton Ham Convention.
Hey Joe, I worked for Fred and Larry for about 5 years back in the late 90's, early 2000's processing applications and have spent many hours with Gordo :shock: . Thanks to this thread, I now(vaguely)remember who you are. Recognize your call. I was once a member of the AARC a very long time ago and we've met on countless occasions at monthly meetings. I'm pretty much only on the radio during severe weather when I'm at the National Weather Service office working the nets in our county warning area.


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