nitrogen wrote:The kids consider themselves democrats because their parents are mostly democrats; they arent really old enough to think for themselves on these matters yet.
For what it's worth, the kid now admits her fear was pretty irrational, but it's easy to revert to those things in stress I think.
Although I do not agree with the sentiments of shooting democrats (i.e.: people of liberal tendencies)...
I always thought that people of liberal thought processes are firm believers in giving government more and more responsibilities outside the Constitutional boundaries setup to restrict those infringements, thus allowing little oversight, or accountability for screwups, mis-management of programs; intrusive, overpriced, ineffective policies both foreign and domestic...Cradle to grave, because it is a core belief through many examples of these tendencies that liberals believe government knows better than you or I how to live our lives...I could go on and on...No offence intended...
Now...Republicans (as a political party, like Democrats) have not had a stellar run either...I have a tremendous amount of differences of opinion with my party of affiliation as well...And I'll take those hits on the chin better than most would...
As far as the forum goes here, I know for a fact that there are Democrats out there, that I know, that have a fantastic record of voting and supporting Second Amendment issues, and I would stand right there beside them as a Republican...
But I am a Conservative first and foremost...And I would take a bullet for an American liberal anyday...That's my commitment to the country as a whole, I wonder if an American liberal would do the same for one of us???
Some may think I'm kidding about that...There will always be a moment of truth, yet spending the time to confirm ones political ideology will probably not come up on the radar at that particular time...
So the bottom line is this...The sticker is kinda funny, yet I just don't believe I would trust a person who would have the gall to put that on their vehicle...The pendulum swings both ways, and I would wonder if they made one that said "shoot a conservative" in the same format...
Does Irony "police" itself???
We can only hope...