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by stevie_d_64
Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:54 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

@Jumping Frog...

Yep, I understand and know that part of the history of this issue, that is what started it all...

And I am pretty sure most understand what is the driving force these days, that puts at risk our right to keep and bear arms now...

What we do about that threat is up to the individual...We can be passive, creative, innovative, or whatever moniker you want to hang on your approach to the matter...

I think we put too much trust into those we expect to defend these basic principles, because at the end of the day, if they fail, who is left???

Oh yeah, us...Almost like a one degree of separation from freedom to slavery...

Doesn't give you a warm and fuzzy does it???
by stevie_d_64
Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:21 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

Jumping Frog wrote:Your statement was "Once we give up a freedom, there's no getting it back." I was addressing that statement, and only that statement, as being defeatist and inaccurate.

Personally, I support the notion of Constitutional Carry...I look at concealed carry as substantial progress in the war to win back the rights that have long been lost.

You can't honestly be saying you would rather go back to the years before concealed carry in Texas when there was no legal way for an ordinary citizen to carry a handgun?
Ok, Lets look at Constitutional Carry (as you put it)...I believe the original intent of the Second Amendment is clear, not a lot of ambiguity there, except for those that wish to destroy individual freedoms and their ability to resist tyrrany...

Concealed carry laws only brought back (under extreme protest from those very type of folks that took it away "un-Constitutionally") what was lost with some restrictions (infringements) and conditions...That we took as a victory...

I can dig it...But why did we lose the right to keep and bear arms in the first place??? So that we could, years later, politically revive our original right to keep and bear arms, just because we wanted too???

I'm not denegrating the effort to get back this capability, I have always had that nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me "why did we lose it in the first place", and why a successful fight to fend off such an un-Constitutional effort not made???

And no, there is no need to recant the effort and return to the days before 1995 when we finally had a governor with the hutzpah to sign the bill...We would have had it in 1993, but we had a senile old biddy (my opinion and intended insult) who believed we Texans were too stupid to carry guns in the first place...

We lost it years before any of us were born, and in a political environment that is NOWHERE near the volatility/hostility is it now with the Fabian socialist waiting for their useful idiots to get these things done for them and their ultimate agenda...The fight to keep the right was, and should have been, a lot better to protect it and not lose it back in the day...

This is just my observation, and my opinion...
by stevie_d_64
Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:07 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

Jumping Frog wrote:
stevie_d_64 wrote:
lbuehler325 wrote:Once we give up a freedom, there's no getting it back.
Shall-issue concealed carry in 44 states would contradict that notion.

It is always worth fighting for liberty. I do agree it is preferable to keep a right than have to win it back.
I believe what is being inferred to here is the notion that "doing something" whether it is right or wrong, just to appease public sentiment, whether they (general non-gun owning public) understand the issue or not, compramising for appearances sake is not something I support...

Yes, having 44 states on the "shall issue" column is a good thing, but that is not what this particular discussion is about...

Universal background checks is un-necessary, it will not prevent ANYTHING a person with ill intent wants to do to harm others...So it is infringing upon our right to keep and bear arms per that Amendment we all know and enjoy...If it passes, it gives someone else the ability to get into our business, our privacy which is none of their business...I just don't particularly care for this bill that would add someone else into a process that has been private all along...

I don't want anyone to know what I do with my private property in this instance...But I am sure someone will tell me I got this all wrong...And that I should support this bill...
by stevie_d_64
Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:46 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

lbuehler325 wrote:Once we give up a freedom, there's no getting it back.
by stevie_d_64
Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:02 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

Gordie Howe wrote:Graham has only two goals, hanging onto the gravy train as long as possible, and feathering his nests.
I see nothing wrong with this part of their statement...
by stevie_d_64
Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:55 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

Gordie Howe wrote:There has been a surge of artcile on how mentally ill veterans are. The system fears combat vets becuase they kniow they dont run fast when they see thugs, and bullies that wantg\ trouble.
I absolutely agree with this...Anyone on this forum that knows me personally, should know that I, and many other veterans do not, and will never be what these unapreciative liberal/Fabian socialist and their water-bearers (political enablers) want us to be...So I reject any blanket conclusion to their demented ideals...

I still object, and do not support this bill, for the potential it brings against the gun owning community as a whole...IT IS a baby step in the WRONG direction, and it does nothing but put at risk ANYONE's right to keep and bear arms, over some arbitrary psychological sterotype of a class of citizen who actually and clearly does understand what it means to defend this country from ALL enemies foriegn and domestic...

And those domestic enemies are really becoming more of a threat (to ALL of us) every single day...To accept a "do something" path, while socially and politically laudible, to do it in this regard, I find it to be destructive to the very foundations this country has fought for, and had so many real patriots sacrifice themselves for to protect these basic principles...

We need to STOP being fearful about insulting or making those domestic enemies feel uncomfortable in promoting their agenda...What is wrong with standing up and being counted as a person who will not comply (and fight against with more than just words) with such a destructive agenda???

With all the fighting and sacrificing many people in this country have done over the lasst 230+ years to protect our way of life, what is wrong with making our position (and intent) clear to those that wish to believe they can take away that ability domestically??? What a tremendous political miscalculation to assume there will not come a point where some people's line in the sand will not be crossed???

I, for one, am hoping we never have to get to that point, and I hope (again) the fight stays where it needs to be, and it stops getting so perilously close to what anyone of sane mind hopes it doesn't get to...

What is SO hard about this concept...Why have some lost their will to fight this progressive threat at such opportunistic times???

I'm getting off my soapbox for now, because I am going to get ready to go to a gunshow here this morning...Not that I am fearful and need to pad my preparations any further...I go because it reminds me so much of what is at stake here...

Sorry for the long rant, but again, something about all of this just clicks inside my heart, and it pains me to see such apathy and acceptance (compramising)of these encroachments upon our freedoms, it almost makes me sick...
by stevie_d_64
Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:01 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

You know, I had to go to the bathroom and check in the mirror...

My neck is NOT red... "rlol"

But my head is certainly round... :smilelol5:

I'm still not sure if anyone really gives a hoot about what I say about anything...Still working on that...

I know my wife definetly has some sort of "Husband Remote" that helps her "mute" me from time to time... :thumbs2:
by stevie_d_64
Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:37 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

On a side note...The way I used to deal with the stresses of military service and deployments (in the past)...

I knew I was home and could turn off the constant "check six" mentality for a while...

I went by myself, or anyone else who wanted to go, find a good restaurant that served cold...glasses of milk...

And a chicken-fried steak!!! :thumbs2:

:patriot: Forever!!!
by stevie_d_64
Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:30 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

I do not believe Senator Feinstien is alone in her assumptions about veterans, most progressives hiding their socialist tendencies implicitely distrust ALL people who have served this country, and as a veteran, I continue to stand insulted by their lack of virtue...

I oppose this bill, this idea that universal background checks is anything but yet another baby step in the wrong direction...As the results of any gun-control effort, regardless of its intent, will not work...period...

I do not often dissagree with the NRA and its positions on gun-control issues (I can't recall if I ever really have)...This one I definitely do...To assume this will stave off ANY future attempt at additional efforts to infringe upon us, to label (classify) those of us who do understand what the Second Amendment IS all about, is dangerous...

They have no intent to stop their ultimate goal, and to give them ANY political concession is dangerous...The Second Amendment is not about politics...My right to keep and bear arms is not a political issue to be triffled with, or some sort of emotional smite to those that do not wish to accept what that right is all about...

Most all know what the real meaning of the Second Amendment is, and if I am somehow pigeon-holed by anyone for, or against it, as being prepared for rebelling against a tyrannical government, then I feel I am in good company...And those that laugh off the possiblity of that "extreme circumstance" (a recent political theme these days) are fooling themselves...I do not look forward to that possibility, and I would rather the fight be taken up (and remain) in the courts and legislatures around this country, and NOT in the streets...Because if that ever happens, no one wins...

This is my opinion, and I stand by it and others that agree with me...I know I am not alone...

by stevie_d_64
Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:20 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing
Replies: 127
Views: 21113

Re: Graham introduces background check bill with NRA backing

I posted another discussion thread about an additional organization, the N.S.S.F., and its CEO, are also in favor of universal background checks, and other restrictive sales provisions, and they claim to be a pro-gun organization???

Going to go see if anyone has said anything else on that thread...

I also feel that there is this knife poised over my back ready to strike these days... :leaving

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