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by stevie_d_64
Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:24 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: What Do You Think Of This For Back~Up
Replies: 22
Views: 2730

Yeah, I hate it too, when I pull the trigger and there is no bang...

Just a click... :shock: :lol:

Came back from the range one time with my forehead all red... :banghead: forgot the safety!!! :headscratch :grumble :crazy: :totap: :oops: :smilelol5:

Just basically a whole flood of emotions...

Glad no one else saw the spectacle... ;-)
by stevie_d_64
Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:42 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: What Do You Think Of This For Back~Up
Replies: 22
Views: 2730

Semantics aside, I'm not sure this is a really bad idea, just one I probably wouldn't implement without a lot of study...

I've noticed these .410 "revolvers" at the gunshows of late...Look like 5 shot models...3-4" barrels, pretty solid manufacturing from what I can tell...Don't recall any particular maker, just because these things have only caught my eye in passing...

Next time I roll through one, I may take a closer look...

My philosophy behind a lot of my self-defense methods is basically if you can't get it done with the load-out you have on hand, best to be on your way out and away from the threat...This one facet based upon the idea that I have not had much use for a BUG of any type...

Thats not to say I haven't thought about it after hanging around some of you guys and gals over the last 15-20 years... :lol:

My normal load out is that G23 (13+1) and one spare (13)...Thats it...

If I had to conceal another pistol like this...Thats just one more thing I have to think about keeping concealed, secure, and safe from accidentally shooting myself everytime I have it on me...

But this is just my opinion...

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