Remember that they can still fire you for the employee rules violation, and the law stopping them from banning only applies to criminal charges.flb_78 wrote:How can the state of Texas ban CHL's on their property when the Governor signed it into law that State property cannot be legally posted?quidni wrote:No, and no.
I work for the State of Texas.
And I've noticed that the personnel manual has recently been changed, I suspect in anticipation of another "employer parking lot" bill - it now states "no weapons, concealed or otherwise, on state property, or in vehicles parked on state property."
Well, they may not be real guns but I thought Glocks were supposed to be able to handle that kind of environment.Oh, No I don't carry at work. Im a heavy equipment mechanic and have to crawl around in cow .....poop and dirt to much. I have kept in my toolbox before.

We need a new smiley for that look of feigned innocence my kids get when they say something like that.