While I definitely agree with your sentiments, and even your general warning, I thought I would post that there might be a small exception to it. The Board of Private Security has made one ruling that says there is one possible exception. As you can see, even they are vague about it:dac1842 wrote:Heliguy mentioned several churches are forming security teams made up of CHL holders. Be careful how you proceed there and what you call them. In Texas anyone that provides security functions must have a security license, anyone that is armed must be commissoned. Read the law and make sure your organization is not in violation of it. I would hate to see folks with good intentions get bad consequences!
This is from their official web site: Texas Private Security Board.Church Volunteer Security Patrol May 10, 2007
A volunteer security patrol made up of church members would generally require licensing under the provisions of Section 1702.108 or 1702.222, regardless of whether any compensation is received as a result of the activities. The only exception to licensing provided by the legislature for nonprofit and civic organizations is found in Section 1702.327, which applies specifically to nonprofit and civic organizations that employ peace officers under certain circumstances and
would not be applicable here.
However, there is one exception to licensing under Chapter 1702 provided by the legislature that could arguably apply, which can be found in section 1702.323 (“Security Department of Private Business”). This exception would allow volunteers to provide security services exclusively for one church, as long as they do not carry firearms and as long as they do not wear “a uniform with any type of badge commonly associated with security personnel or law enforcement or a patch or
apparel with ‘security’ on the patch or apparel.” See TEX. OCC. CODE §1702.323(a) & (d)(2). Thus, the wearing of a uniform or any apparel containing the word “security” would subject them to the licensing requirements of the act.
Since this is both debatable and it requires the people to be unarmed, I do not recommend it. Instead, i recommend looking at Longtooth's post and security plan. It seems much more reasonable to me. But, I thought I would post this so we all have the correct information.