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by Stripes Dude
Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:23 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Well Here We Go
Replies: 105
Views: 15062

Re: Well Here We Go

frreed wrote:I am not convinced that this event will cause any great changes in gun laws. Sadly, my reasoning us not based on the strength of the Second Amendment or sanity amongst those who lead our government. This sad event will remain relevant through the weekend and then the next story will appear on our computers and televisions. Lindsay Lohan will have plastic surgery while serving 90 days for public stupidity and the press and the president will be crying for something to be done about the atrocity.

We live in a short news cycle culture which is, in many ways, the root cause of tragedies such as the Newtown killings. Passions rise over the truly horrific and the inane at the same rate. Sure the mayors, news analysts and politicians are getting their moments today. Tomorrow it will be something else. We take very little seriously as a society, with one exception, that being "what is in it for me". The president got his moment to be caring and emotional. The lib press got to show outrage. Various politicians got to feed their base. 27 families will bury their loved ones, and the rest of us will go on with life. Insane people will still walk the streets and evil will still work in the hearts of man.

The hard work will never be done. Honest "national conversation" about this event will never take place because no one individual, or interest group, will benefit from it. We are no longer a nation of great people. We are a conglomeration interest groups and the rest of the nation is only useful if they support our interest. Deep down all who are calling for gun control know that this is not about guns. It is insanity and evil manifest in a most dreadful manner. When these murdered children fail to support their interest they will move on.

That being said, I do hope that we will make serious efforts to make our schools a place where we can defend children from future attacks. We here know how that should happen, with less restrictions on 2A. Hopefully, by some truly remarkable act of grace, the lives of these children will stir the hearts of those involved to look beyond themselves.
This may be the most honest and eye opening post on this topic, not only on this forum but in all of the media pieces I have read over the past two days. Thanks for putting together these thoughts.
by Stripes Dude
Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:17 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Well Here We Go
Replies: 105
Views: 15062

Re: Well Here We Go

Poldark wrote: ... -shooting/

4:52 p.m: Ryan Lanza, 24, brother of gunman Adam Lanza, 20, tells authorities that his younger brother is autistic, or has Asperger syndrome and a “personality disorder.” Neighbors described the younger man to ABC as “odd” and displaying characteristics associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Assuming the reports that these were the suspect's mother's guns are correct..... I think if I had a son who was a "half bubble off level", who had juvenile behavior problems, I would have my guns in the best safe money can buy.

Aspergers is a very scary disorder. Not always easily detectable, and often not diagnosed or misdiagnosed.

I just refuse to believe that there weren't warning signs. A close family member is a LEO in Denver, where there have been two of these in the last 15 years, and his indication is that there are red flags all over the place with these whackos. Unfortunately their families are often in denial, or afraid to raise awareness.

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