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by Robert*PPS
Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:55 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally
Replies: 143
Views: 25409

Re: Two arrested at Austin Capitol during open carry rally

Look, our justice system is such that LEOs are not the determiners of what is just. They are enforcers of just laws as determined by the people. If a LEO suspects that a crime has been committed, they detain and charge. The DA prosecutes those charges. A law may or may not have been broken, but our system calls for that to be proved in a court of law....not on the side of the road or anywhere else. Now, it may be determined in a court of law that no law was broken, or it may not even be prosecuted at all, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was a bad arrest.

I disagree with the notion that both sides handled poorly. If DPS gave the folks a chance to leave, that infers to me that the LEO was attempting to resolve the situation without making an arrest. In my opinion, that extra step puts the LEO in a positive light. The open carry folks who hurl insults and act childish are the ones who handled the whole thing poorly.

It has already been said, but I'll reiterate your face tactics will not work to further this cause. It will almost certainly cause it to digress.

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