No, not at all. I think most on this forum will understand who I was referring to but for those that don't it is the OCT types. Basically if you're carrying your firearm without carrying around giant flags and making a fuss inside Starbucks when they state they don't want 20 openly carried guns in their shops then you're good to go. It's also handy if you don't go to Austin and threaten members of the Legislature and so on.oljames3 wrote:Please define "hardcore". As I have since I got my CHL in the summer of 2013, I will continue to go about my life carrying openly where I can, concealing as the situation dictates, and disarming only if I must. Does that make me "hardcore"? Do you hope that I will go away quietly?CoffeeNut wrote:I got a nice holster for OC but it is not to show off rather it's to help make sure I look respectable. To me a nice leather holster and a button down shirt will go a long way towards putting the Austin types at ease. It might make people more willing to ask questions since they won't have the irrational fear response to black tactical stuff and hopefully they just think "Texan" if they see it. I have no problem answering someone's questions if they're willing to engage.
That said the public will only see my gun deliberately a few times a year.
My hope is that the hardcore advocates go away quietly and those that wish to OC either as a means of exercising a right or just because it is easier at the time are able to do so without much hassle.
You carry your way and I'll carry mine.
If your intentions are to make a statement with OC I would hope that it is done in a manner that is tasteful and mindful of the public. If your intention is to utilize it as a preferred method of carry then carry on!
My issue has never been with OC but with those that do not seem to understand that the public and businesses might not see eye to eye with their method of highlighting OC.