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by Wodathunkit
Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:09 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure
Replies: 56
Views: 11941

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

RottenApple wrote:
Gameover wrote:Watched this the other day. I think if he would of just said he had a gun on him and had a permit to carry the stop would have went differently. I understand that he is not required to tell him anything but I think its better he finds out from you rather then spotting it himself. Just my .02
I disagree. Under FL law he is not required to notify unless asked and, judging by this cops completely unprofessional attitude and behavior, it most likely would have gone even worse. Officers like this give the rest a bad name.

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