From TxXigp226:
I'm going to side with caution on this one and keep my CC at home when I do have to go there unless I can talk my g/f into talking her boss into taking it down or at least giving me oral or written permission to CC while there. I don't think that the boss/owner has a problem with CHLs since both he and his son are avid hunters however I am aware of prior incidents of disgruntled clients coming in with firearms.
TxSigp226, this is a wise choice. Even though there is incorrect wording as point out by PUCKER, and maybe a size problem, the question to ask your self is if all the potential legal repurcussions if you were to be found out would be worth it. Eventually you would most likely be cleared, but juries sometimes do strange stuff. This does not even address the potential problems for the girlfriend. Who knows...some folks do weird stuff around firearms.
The wording of that 30.06 is not correct, here's the correct text and info from the Texas DPS site:
Good catch PUCKER. I could just barely read the sign, even after you pointed out the wording error. There may be a size error, also.
From OldSchool:
I have to agree with the general idea that the 30.06 prohibition is only in effect when the place is posted, and thus I must be notified each time I enter any posted location. I also agree that if I know the building is currently legally posted when I enter, even if I do not see a sign on entry, then I am in violation.
Which then brings me to this question, which was hinted at earlier: How far does the "posting" have authority? That is, if the sign is only in an interior room, does it apply to the entire store? If only in one store, does it apply to the entire mall? If only in one building of a multi-building mall, does it apply to the entire multi-building mall (if signs are not in one or more of the other buildings)?
Yes, this probably seems too nit-picky, but that's how the Law does things (and I get irritated when confused by the rules), and the answers could help us understand the area I consider to be the most confusing of the CHL rules.
OldSchool, the reason that some of the law is not finally settled is that there have been no precedents set on much of it. The reason for this is that the CHL holders in Texas are so dang law-abiding, that they err on the side of caution as TxSigp226 chose to do and, therefore we don't get arrested and charged, so we don't get convicted so there is not precedent. Personally, I would rather have it this way with a little bit of the law still open to interpretation rather than have bunch of us get careless and get convicted of things and then force the hand of the judicial process.
As far as the postings at stores in a mall or in the mall itself, my position is that if I have not personally seen the sign, I have not been notified, however when I do see the sign I will depart immediately. This should cover me legally. Again, there is not much case law in this area because we have avoided the circumstances which give rise to case law. Regarding signs in one store of a mall or in a backroom, we all have to use our best judgement and try to follow the law.
As a side note, we ofter hear "Concealed means Concealed'. Obviously a truism. If it means we do not let others know about our carry status because we are supposed to keep the weapon concealed, or because we want to maintain a tactical advantage in a worst case scenerio, or because we don't want to deal with the turmoil caused by overly sensative types around us, I agree wholeheartedly.
If in some situations "Concealed means Concealed" means I can violate the law because my weapon is concealed and no one will ever know and it is OK because I am a really good person so that little technicality shouldn't apply to me...then I STRONGLY disagree with the phrase.
The truth of our character is demonstrated by our conduct when no one is watching. To know what the right thing to do is does not display character, however doing the right thing will.