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by rotor
Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Should I conceal carry a .22 pistol?
Replies: 36
Views: 9561

Re: Should I conceal carry a .22 pistol?

On notification of another member that Academy had Kel-Tec P32 available on line at $240 I bought one as I like mouse guns. Today was my first chance to shoot it. This is a .32ACP 7+1 round totally easy pocket carry, (Desantis Nemesis u7). Easy and accurate one handed shooting with hardly any recoil and pure simplicity using Fiochii 73 gr fmj ammo. This might be the gun for you, more powerful and reliable than a 22LR without the kick of a large caliber. Much gentler than my .380 bodyguard. I would suggest you try one and if you are anywhere near Wichita Falls you are welcome to try mine. PM me if you want to try it.
by rotor
Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:58 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Should I conceal carry a .22 pistol?
Replies: 36
Views: 9561

Re: Should I conceal carry a .22 pistol?

I think the major problem with .22LR aside from the lack of energy is that the round is not that reliable, depending on brand. Anything centerfire is better than a rimfire. We shoot a fair amount of .22LR and throw away an awful lot of well primer struck ammo. I just bought a Kel-Tec p32, haven't fired it yet but it is supposed to be a mild recoil. The laws of physics though are fixed and there are no really light firearms that shoot a "high" powered round without recoil. If .22LR is the best you can handle then go with that knowing the imperfections in the round.

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