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by Krampus
Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:05 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Born out of Country Requirements
Replies: 31
Views: 4533

Re: Born out of Country Requirements

1. I don't see where rkjohn said what kind of birth certificate he had.
2. Texas DPS "Notice of Applicant Born Out of Country"

I hope this helps somebody who is more interested in facts than arguing gratia arguing.
by Krampus
Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:16 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Born out of Country Requirements
Replies: 31
Views: 4533

Re: Born out of Country Requirements

rkjohn wrote:proactive? Pay My Country $600 for papers? Yeah I'll pay it. Good luck to you when you need them. It's coming for all of us.
A United States Passport Card is $30 for ten years and there's a $25 application fee if you never had a passport before. If you want to pay $600 for the other papers, you can do that. It's your choice. But I don't understand the hate for DPS having reasonable checks to prevent ineligible people from getting a CHL.
by Krampus
Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Born out of Country Requirements
Replies: 31
Views: 4533

Re: Born out of Country Requirements

rkjohn wrote:I was 5 months old when we came into the country. They told my parents (the Air Force) that no papers were needed for me. I guess maybe I should go into Mexico and cross back by the light of the moon. Then I get a pardon, citizenship, medical care, drivers license, etc etc. Silly me for paying taxes for 60 years. My bad.
Good luck with that. If it makes you feel better to play the victim instead of being proactive, maybe a CHL is not for you.
by Krampus
Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:15 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Born out of Country Requirements
Replies: 31
Views: 4533

Re: Born out of Country Requirements

JP171 wrote:the list of approved documents just says birth certificate, doesn't specify where it has to be from, I think someone at DPS is making arbitrary and capricious decisions. now who do we need to e mail into oblivion to get this bull fixed?
Fix what? A birth certificate from somewhere overseas doesn't prove US Citizenship.

The way I see it, he has three easy choices.
1. Include a copy of his Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Form N-560 or N-561) to prove he's a US citizen.
2. Include a copy of his U.S. Passort book or U.S, Passport card to prove he's a US citizen.
3. Complain that DPS won't take his word for it.

Another choice it to send what documentation he does have, showing he's a U.S. citizen, and hope DPS accepts that, but there's no guarantees if you decide you don't want to follow the guidelines.

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