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by K.Mooneyham
Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:12 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

Cedar Park Dad wrote:Historically Texas was a Democratic state. It was a Democratic state in my lifetime and will be so again.
Historically the Second Amendment was not the purview of a specific party. None of the Bill of Rights were. To reduce it to a party specific concept makes it vulnerable.
If you think that the Democrat Party, in this state or any other, cares one little bit about the Second Amendment, you are very sadly mistaken at best. They are now direct enemies of the Second Amendment, as well as the right to self-defense, the historical record is now irrelevant. If this state goes Democrat, it will end up just like the Socialist Peoples' Workers Paradise of Kalifornia. I lived there for ten years at the behest of our Uncle Sam, as I stated in an earlier post, and as Republican power waned, so too did any respect for the Second Amendment or firearms ownership, or for self-defense. I'm not saying every Republican in office is hard-core about 2A or self-defense (Joe Straus, cough cough), but as a PARTY, Republicans are for it FAR more than against it. I'm not sure why you want to give any respect to the Democrats concerning the Second Amendment, but it is most certainly unwarranted, I assure you.
by K.Mooneyham
Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:00 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

mojo84 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
The battlefield for gun owners is the Republican primary.

Exactly my point in my previous posts. We all need to get involved to determine who will actually represent our interests with more than lip service, not only 2A, and work hard to support their efforts to get on the ballot. Then we need to support them at the general election for office. Just getting mad and voting for the other guy is not the answer.

Good to see you back on the forum Mr. Cotton.
:iagree: Indeed. Something I can get onboard with.
by K.Mooneyham
Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:13 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

K.Mooneyham wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:Would you like the next governer to be shila Jackson or her ilk? We don't want total left of left, total left or total right. We need to stay in the middle of left and right.
I don't care if the Gov. is Dem, Rep, Indep, Tea Partier, or Green, as long as they govern for the people, not govern the people.
There is a lot more to consider than just the 2nd Amendment.
I look at the Governer of a State in the light as the President of the U.S.. The job titles are interchangeable. The Governer does the same thing for the State as the President does for the combined States. They both are there to Govern for the people.
If you want to do something look at YOUR Representatives (Senate and House)to the State. Hold those individuals responsible.
I did look at MY Representatives (Senate and House) to the State... This happened during the regular session. The regular session has ended and now it is up to our Governor to add bills to the call during a special session and that is why I posted in a "Rick Perry" thread . Would Sheila Jackson add pro gun bills to a special session, no way.... but neither would Rick Perry :)
If you can draw equivalence between Governor Perry and Sheila Jackson Lee, especially when it comes to firearms related matters, then I really have no way to have any sort of conversation with you on the subject.

I understand sir, I was being very rude and ask you to accept my apology, anyone that survived kommifornia and left for Texas deserves my respect
If you cannot read the first line from Mel's quote and the last line from my quote (smiley face included) then I agree.... you really don't have a way to have a conversation with me on the subject... :lol:
Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say. And maybe I should point out where I'm coming from on this. While I don't believe Rick Perry to be the best governor ever, I have had to live with much worse. I spent 10 years of my USAF career in the State of California. Gray Davis was governor when I first got there in 1998, then came Arnold Schwarzenegger (completely RINO) and finally Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, by the time my service ended and I got my family and myself back home to Texas. Each one of those three happily signed anti-firearms legislation. I'll take Rick Perry over any of those three (or anyone in their mold) in a heartbeat.
I understand sir, I was being very rude and ask you to accept my apology, anyone that survived kommifornia and left for Texas deserves my respect
No apology necessary, but thank you. And it was good to be back in Texas. I was born and raised in East and South Texas, around firearms all my life. So living in California gives a person a bit of a different perspective on things (I know there are several folks on here who probably have a much deeper knowledge on the subject than I do). There is a firearms advocacy group out there called CalGuns, and I really feel for those folks. Its a real tough row to hoe for them, as the old saying goes. Things could certainly better here, but seeing what I have seen, I know it could be a LOT worse.
by K.Mooneyham
Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:48 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

apostate wrote:My statement was clear so I will ignore your bait, adding only that in my professional life I'm judged on results, not effort or excuses.

If some think that unreasonable, I refer them to my prior message.
I live in north Fort Worth. A pretty well populated area. And yet, for some offices, there was only one person, a Republican, on the ballot. They ran unopposed. I'm pretty sure the person was incumbent, as well. For some other offices, there was a Republican and a Democrat, no Libertarian or other third-party candidate. And I'm pretty sure the Republican was incumbent. And yes, I did vote in the primaries, and I voted for some challengers, such as now Senator Ted Cruz (and I'm glad I did). So, I think my question was valid, and not "bait".
by K.Mooneyham
Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

apostate wrote:
srothstein wrote:On a side note, remember that the party knows it rarely has to cater to its base. After all, they vote for the party anyway, which is why they are called the base. They need to be careful about alienating the base by going too far towards the center, but they need to move more towards center if they want to win elections. Obviously, this is all the public stuff and doesn't mean much about private back room meetings.
They play a dangerous game. I can't speak for anyone else, but absent a legislative miracle, they have guaranteed I will not vote for any Republican incumbent, for any office, in 2014.

If people think that unreasonable, I will take it as a compliment in the spirit of George Bernard Shaw's unreasonable man.
So you wouldn't vote for ANY Republican incumbent? Does that include those who drafted the latest firearm bills or those who did, or would have, voted for these bills (operating with an assumption that some of those folks run in the district you live in)? Does that mean you will only vote for Republican NON-incumbents? Or Democrats? Or third-party, perhaps? I am curious because for some offices there aren't a lot of choices, and unfortunately, due to how "the game" works, I sometimes hold my nose and vote for the lesser-of-the-evils. So, I'm wondering on just who you WILL vote for...
by K.Mooneyham
Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:27 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

K.Mooneyham wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:Would you like the next governer to be shila Jackson or her ilk? We don't want total left of left, total left or total right. We need to stay in the middle of left and right.
I don't care if the Gov. is Dem, Rep, Indep, Tea Partier, or Green, as long as they govern for the people, not govern the people.
There is a lot more to consider than just the 2nd Amendment.
I look at the Governer of a State in the light as the President of the U.S.. The job titles are interchangeable. The Governer does the same thing for the State as the President does for the combined States. They both are there to Govern for the people.
If you want to do something look at YOUR Representatives (Senate and House)to the State. Hold those individuals responsible.
I did look at MY Representatives (Senate and House) to the State... This happened during the regular session. The regular session has ended and now it is up to our Governor to add bills to the call during a special session and that is why I posted in a "Rick Perry" thread . Would Sheila Jackson add pro gun bills to a special session, no way.... but neither would Rick Perry :)
If you can draw equivalence between Governor Perry and Sheila Jackson Lee, especially when it comes to firearms related matters, then I really have no way to have any sort of conversation with you on the subject.
If you cannot read the first line from Mel's quote and the last line from my quote (smiley face included) then I agree.... you really don't have a way to have a conversation with me on the subject... :lol:
Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say. And maybe I should point out where I'm coming from on this. While I don't believe Rick Perry to be the best governor ever, I have had to live with much worse. I spent 10 years of my USAF career in the State of California. Gray Davis was governor when I first got there in 1998, then came Arnold Schwarzenegger (completely RINO) and finally Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, by the time my service ended and I got my family and myself back home to Texas. Each one of those three happily signed anti-firearms legislation. I'll take Rick Perry over any of those three (or anyone in their mold) in a heartbeat.
by K.Mooneyham
Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:32 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

MeMelYup wrote:Would you like the next governer to be shila Jackson or her ilk? We don't want total left of left, total left or total right. We need to stay in the middle of left and right.
I don't care if the Gov. is Dem, Rep, Indep, Tea Partier, or Green, as long as they govern for the people, not govern the people.
There is a lot more to consider than just the 2nd Amendment.
I look at the Governer of a State in the light as the President of the U.S.. The job titles are interchangeable. The Governer does the same thing for the State as the President does for the combined States. They both are there to Govern for the people.
If you want to do something look at YOUR Representatives (Senate and House)to the State. Hold those individuals responsible.
I did look at MY Representatives (Senate and House) to the State... This happened during the regular session. The regular session has ended and now it is up to our Governor to add bills to the call during a special session and that is why I posted in a "Rick Perry" thread . Would Sheila Jackson add pro gun bills to a special session, no way.... but neither would Rick Perry :)
If you can draw equivalence between Governor Perry and Sheila Jackson Lee, especially when it comes to firearms related matters, then I really have no way to have any sort of conversation with you on the subject.
by K.Mooneyham
Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:23 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

I have a completely different take on the matter. I think that Governor Perry has a lot of different items to think about, firearms being only one of them. We all know that politics is a dirty game, always has been, always will be. And there are folks within the Republican Party in this state that aren't as firearms friendly as the R behind their name should show them to be. I'm sure word gets around that if X firearms bill gets brought up then Y bill on some other conservative topic will be sabotaged. The Governor probably has to weigh which one he'd rather see go through, the one with the greatest impact. And while there are a lot of CHLers in this state, its still not that great a percentage of the total. I don't like how politics works any more than anyone else, but until someone comes up with something else (and I ain't holding my breath for that) it is the way it will be. IMHO, of course.

All that said, I could be 100% wrong. I'm certainly hoping that Mr. Cotton will provide us with some sort of post-game wrapup that will make a little sense of everything, even if it doesn't make any of us happy.
by K.Mooneyham
Tue May 28, 2013 7:35 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 91968

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

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Once again, my thanks to Mr. Cotton and all the other folks who have worked so hard for us this session.

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