I'd like to know what law the policeman would cite when making the arrest. And since I already know the answer to my question (there isn't one), I'd say he was just using intimidation, knowing the charge would be thrown out but using the threat of hauling Greybeard off to jail, having an arrest record, time spent getting booked, etc. I support the police fully going after actual criminals in our society, but this is the sort of thing that puts police in a very bad light.Greybeard wrote:"When I put the gun inside my front pocket it printed enough that this officer said he would have to charge for that amount of printing."
Since OC would not go into effect until 2016, that "training" officer needs to get his act current with the change made 2 years ago before spewing such garbage. And then try to explain how such INSIDE a front pocket constitutes "intentional display" in a public place.
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- Tue May 26, 2015 10:52 am
- Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
- Topic: Out of state CCW and HB 910
- Replies: 10
- Views: 2072