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by TexasYankee13
Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:37 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: List price gougers here
Replies: 215
Views: 32813

Re: List price gougers here

03Lightningrocks wrote:
TexasYankee13 wrote: I hope they are making a fortune now, I can't imagine that customers won't have long memories when this calms down.
Nope... Nobody will care. This is not the first time we have had an ammo supply and demand issue. It is actually a situation I have experienced at least four times in my life... Two in the past four years alone. Nobody will care once supplies catch up and the prices drop again.

I wish I had a quarter for every post I read proclaiming "never again" four years ago. Memories are very short.

Lets get real for a minute here. Are you telling me if that supplier you posted the link to drops the prices of ammo back to what you feel they should charge and others don't have it, you are going to go without ammo?

Since I have been here, done this, I will tell you how this will shake out. At some point, the supplies will start catching up and one by one these places will begin to have inventory. Everyone who claims self righteous indignation over the prices will think to themselves... Oh thank goodness,,, ammo!! They will buy buy buy... LOL.

I 100% can tell you that I will remember the ones that are insanely priced now...I will also remember the manager at my local Academy that treats those of us that get online before we head to the office each day with 100% courtesy and respect and will let us know what he has available. I have already begun buying anything that I can get at Academy from "his" store!
Once supplies are back to normal, I won't need the online dealers and the fee's to ship - I will stick with the bulk at Academy and Walmart. For now, I take what I can get, when I can get it, at a price I am comfortable with. ! Good luck to all!

PS- I have met some of the nicest down to earth folks waiting on line at stores for ammo :)
by TexasYankee13
Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:39 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: List price gougers here
Replies: 215
Views: 32813

Re: List price gougers here ... 7700364209" onclick=";return false;

WOW!!! Just wow... $60 box for $229 - please please please tell me that nobody is buying this!

$50 for $16 boxes available at Academy?! what the heck!!!

I hope they are making a fortune now, I can't imagine that customers won't have long memories when this calms down.

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