chamberc wrote:...
It is definitely up to the open carry folks though to gain support of the tried and true gun rights groups that have done so much for the 2nd amendment in our state. Their approach last session was not acceptable.
I agree. As a member of both this forum and, I spoke my mind in both places. I do think that some of the tactics used last time were over the top and counter-productive (such as threatening proven pro-gun members with defeat). On the other hand, OCDO raised money, got ads on the radio and on billboards, and was a major reason why the petition garnered as many signatures as it did. It was also quite a feat to get Land Commissioner Patterson, Governor Perry and others to comment publically on the issue (Patterson positively, Perry non-commital).
I completely agree that TSRA and CHL-holders generally need to better understand the issue and see how it affects them. That the issue is greater freedom of choice for the CHL-holder. The topic needs to be explored by looking at the issues -- or lack thereof -- in other states, particularly those such as our neighbors Louisiana and New Mexico. Why is it that they can be trusted but Texans can't? For this reason as well as for the other fine work they've done (mentioned above and with which I totally agree), I joined TSRA last year as a life member and I encourage others to do the same.
I really encourage all gun owners and CHL-holders to think broadly and consider more than your own interests. For example, I'm not a hunter but I'd never support restrictions on game land or leases that would be bad for sportsmen. I don't own any .50 caliber weapons, but I'm 100% against bans for them. I no longer go to college nor will I probably ever do so again, but I whole heartedly support campus carry. I believe that open carry falls into the same category. Divided by our own personal preferences, we fail. United as gun owners, we cannot be beat.
I'm hopeful that the 2010 elections will bring more friends of our into the Legislature as President Obama isn't on the ballot and it is likely that some who came out specifically to support him won't do so in an off-year election. That could mean easier sledding in the 2011 session for all pro-gun bills. Hopefully Speaker Strauss is now fully aware of what the house Dems are capable of and will structure the legislative calendar accordingly.